When learning something new, everyone has to start somewhere. In this article I have looked into the most popular media and materials to help you begin your adventure with Elixir. Of course, different people learn in different ways so I have covered a variety of resources to help you develop your skills and knowledge through audio, visual and interactive sources. Let’s take a look…

There are many Podcasts to listen to which will keep you up to date with news, trends, new tools and interviews with the most influential people within the BEAM community. Here are some of the best ones to tune into.
Elixir Mix hosted by Sascha Wolf, Adi Iyengar and Allen Wyma - https://topenddevs.com/podcasts/elixir-mix/
Elixir Newbie hosted by Brooklyn Myers - https://open.spotify.com/show/2VNf2tvHIjSxTXMY15qtdV
Thinking Elixir hosted by hosts Mark Ericksen, David Bernheisel and Cade Ward - https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/

Below are some of the most popular books for learning Elixir.
Elixir in Action by Saša Jurić - https://www.manning.com/books/elixir-in-action-second-edition
Adopting Elixir by José Valim, Ben Marx and Bruce Tate - https://pragprog.com/titles/tvmelixir/adopting-elixir/
Elixir programming bundle, including Adopting Elixir - recommend by José Valim - https://www.humblebundle.com/books/elixir-programming-pragmatic-programmers-books?utm_campaign=elixirsep22_ann&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=link
Hands on Elixir & OTP by Kamil Skowron - https://elixircryptobot.com/
There are also many books and resources on The Pragmatic Bookshelf - https://pragprog.com/book/elixir16/programming-elixir-1-6

For many people a more hands on approach the best way to learn a new language, the courses below cover all aspects of Elixir and offer different lessons & resources to get you up and running.
Exercism offer an interactive, online learning platform. They cover over 50 Elixir language concepts with 150 plus exercises - https://exercism.org
Elixir School have a number of lessons and resources, everything you need to start your learning - elixirschool.com
TaxFix Elixir Course by Marco Milanesi, an Elixir Engineer & Trainer at TaxFix. An open source, asynchronous course on GitHub- https://github.com/taxfix/elixir-course
Learn Elixir offer live coaching, recorded content, project assignments, code reviews and help to prepare you for a new role - https://learn-elixir.dev/

A great way to meet other developers with a passion for Elixir and Erlang. Conferences bring the BEAM community together, enabling people to learn, share and inspire others. Here are two of the largest ones.
ElixirConf - They host many conferences and training courses. They are now hybrid so can be attended in person or from the comfort of your home - https://www.elixirconf.eu/
CodeSync- They host CodeBeam for Erlang enthusiasts and CodeElixir which covers the latest Elixir news - https://codesync.global/conferences/

Keep up to date with what’s happening in the Elixir community by signing up to the newsletters below.
Beam it Newsletter by Beam it Recruitment… Covering new articles, interviews and the latest BEAM jobs - https://www.beamrec.com/mailinglist (shameless self-promotion.. sorry!)
ElixirWeekly by René Föhring. Hand picked articles and news - http://elixirweekly.net
Awesome Elixir by Stan Bright. An overview of the popular Elixir news, articles and projects - https://elixir.libhunt.com/newsletter
Elixir Radar by Hugo Baraúna. Covering Elixir content, news and events - https://elixirradar.com/
Happy learning :)
Please feel free to share any other useful resources that I may have missed by commenting below or via abbie@beamrec.com
Recognize a lot of the courses and books on here. Will definitely be looking into the other ones. Thanks!