Over the years, Elixir has become a main player in Gaming and the Gaming Community. Here I run through a few companies in the community who use Elixir on a daily basis within their product.

Grilla - www.grilla.gg
Grillia is an esports gaming platform which gives gamers the chance to earn money while playing and watching their favourite games, including tournaments. Along with many other programming tech, including the Phoenix Framework, they use Elixir in production because of it’s clean code and concurrency, which allows many users to play and be active at the same time.
They are constantly improving the experience of their user, developing new software and products on an almost daily basis.

Laguna Games - www.laguna.games
Laguna Games is a game developer and R&D studio who specialises in blockchain technology. They boast ‘Crypto Unicorns’ as one of their products, and also a personal favourite of mine growing up, the game ‘Jezzball’. They have spent 8+ years building their infrastructure to enable efficient development and LiveOps and they use Elixir and Erlang as part of their LG core. The concurrency level enables cross-platform gaming and allows their development team to rapidly build tailored player experiences.

Simplebet Sports Betting - www.simplebet.io
Simplebet is a product development company using machine learning and real-time technology to make every moment of every sporting event a betting opportunity. Rather than the typical lines, spreads, and over-unders that sports-bettors are used to, they are building opportunities to bet on every moment of a sporting event via what they call “micro markets”. Think of every pitch or at-bat in a baseball game, or every play or drive of an (American) football game. The use of Elixir is a big part of their platform, powering the market mechanics and live feeds from the back end to their mobile gaming. It’s use alongside the Python ecosystem allows their platform to work seamlessly.

theScore - www.scoremediaandgaming.com
theScore has been around since the early years of cable and television, and in 2005 they released their sports media app, which started their evolution into a mobile-first platform. When betting and gambling was legalised in 2018, TheScore made the decision to become the first mobile sportsbook in the US and officially launched TheScorebet in 2019. They use Elixir for the fast concurrency which allows their in-play section to keep up with the action and users to bet as quick as they wish. IThey also use with their eSports platform.

Discord - https://www.discord.com
While it’s not specifically a gaming company, Discord is a fairly new free voice and text chat platform which is mainly used by the gaming community. Supporting text, video, image and audio communication between users it can allow up to 300,000 users to be in the same call.
Thanks to Elixir, they are able to handle over 5 million concurrent users and millions of events per second, which is pretty wild!